Affordable security for
your home or business.

Support & FAQ


We put together some frequently asked questions and other resources for you.

Are the systems the big companies are offering for $99 really only $99?

NO. The big companies use proprietary software and hardware that can only be serviced by them and not by any other companies. You have to lock into a contract, and in most cases have to pay well over $1,000 upfront for the system to be installed. Other items, like adding sensors and devices may cost extra, which also increases the upfront pricing.

Are there any contracts?

None like the other companies. Major alarm companies make you lock into a lengthy contract with early termination fees. T

What if my phone line goes down or I dont have a home phone?

We do have an option for wireless communication. This technology utilizes cellular signals to let our monitoring station know when an alarm goes off, a panic button is pushed, or if there is system trouble.

Can you service what I already have installed?

In some cases. We ask that you call us to talk to one of our representatives so we can get more details to help you.